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Department of Finance

The Finance Department is comprised of three main areas that include General Accounting, Accounts Payable and Payroll.

The Finance Office is responsible for managing and controlling the financial functions of Putnam County and the Clerk of Courts in accordance with generally accepted principles of government accounting and various Florida Statutes and Administrative Codes. The Finance Department establishes and maintains the accounting system, controls expenditures, receipts and deposits all revenues and manages the investment of all monies. The Department also accounts for all assets and capital project expenditures. Accurate financial information is maintained and provided in a timely manner, including reports internally and externally.

All county obligations are paid by this department, including operating expenses, debt and employee payroll. All financial activity of all county departments is supervised by the Finance Officer to ascertain solid internal controls are in place.

Popular Annual Financial Reports

Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports

Duties as Custodian and Accountant of County Funds
1. Keeping the Board’s accounts
2. Receiving and depositing funds of the county
3. Keeping an accurate and complete set of books
4. Investing excess county funds

Duties as County Auditor
1. Verify expenditures are for lawful and public purpose
2. Inspect and examine all accounts of the Board at all times
3. Act as a “watchdog” of Board financial activities

Matt Reynolds
Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller
(386) 326-7600

Ryann Mirabito, CPA
Finance Director

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